Monday, January 13, 2025



To flit among the flowers and the trees 

Elusive, humming like a hive of bees.

Resplendent plumes of oscillating wings

E’er here then there around in all the things.

Sensational this sight, this bird so small

A hummingbird in flight is awed by all.

Sunday, January 12, 2025



My P.E.A.R.L.S.

Within my Book of Life, I lay each part,
The Pearls, great in price, that touched my heart.
A key the letters, P.E.A.R.L. guides my days,
To write my path through questions, truths, and ways.

P for the Pond'rings, prayers I plead to Him,
My wond'ring whys and wily whats of whim.
That plague this poor percepting pauper's pleas
And drives my soul, "find strength upon your knees."

E for the Expectations I set high,
My goals and dreams, the stars in my own sky.
Enlightening like elevated guides
That chart my course and carve me through the tides

A for the Answers, all that I have sought
From prayers I've asked, the echoes of each thought,
Replies, responding revelations gained,
Awake! My heart with answers I've attained.

R for the Record, moments gone that came
My joys and trials, written just the same.
Each penciled page a precious portrait penned,
Of stories etched, preserved and unamend.

L for the Lessons learned from living life,
The wisdom trials lend to beating strife.
Today, I learned, and for those yet to be,
I share these gifts for all my Legacy.

S for the Scriptures and the Spirit's flame,
We write the words in which our heart they came,
A burning pow'r within, we can't deny,
And gives us strength and joy in rich supply

Each entry writ, like precious pearls in hand,
Life crafted both, the planned and the unplanned.
This journal mine of pearled thoughts sublime,
Eternal troves to pass the test of time.



Behold the busy bee who yet believes
Amazed is she to see the bees, her peers
Renownedly she raises and reveres 
But cannot see the value she achieves
Amend your buzzy mind this day and seize!
Remember this that bees are more than bees

And from each bee the gene of queens unweaves

Tuesday, December 31, 2024



Amid the asters in the autumn dawn

Still slumb’ring on a sylphid maiden fawn

Her legs yet new begin to wake and bend

Lo, lured to life by mother’s loving tend

E’er grows in strength til they can leap & spring

Yoked nevermore to youth this yare yearling

This was an acrostic poem I wrote for a coworker as a Christmas gift. She was a newer employee that though new with her skills was becoming very competent. 

Saturday, December 28, 2024




The broken BOT in pieced lay in dissembled disarray

Long years had BROUGHT the growing rust, its casing dull from all the dust

And soon forGOTten was its gleam, how once it was a proud machine.

Now all disTRAUGHT the pieces thrown, once piled high now it lay prone.

For This Just Was --- a Broken Robot

One day the SPOT on which it lay was bought and sold all in one day.

The owner CAUGHT sight of the heap, and said aloud, "These ones I'll keep."

In his arms BROUGHT each piece with care, amazed to find pieces so rare.

He hauled the BOT up to the space reserved for things that found his grace.

Though This Just Was --- a Broken Robot

Each day he FOUGHT with nuts and bolts, shocked once or twice with wild volts.

And sometimes HOT his temper grew, when nuttin' seemed to be gett'ng through

And though the THOUGHT had crossed his mind, to curse, give up, and trash his find

Like a piLOT stuck to his course, broke that bot like you'd break a horse.

Firm and Stern to --- a Broken Robot

In fine, He GOT the bot restored; but there beyond was so much more.

For he had TAUGHT and the bot had learned, strived to follow its heart that burned.

Fueled by the WATTS that flowed from above, always do good and walk by love.

Broken was NAUGHT the bot anymore, for the man had changed its very core.

Raised a man from --- a Broken Robot

Monday, November 11, 2024



A wise young sage to me once said

Rise in the morn and make thy bed

Great wisdom this was to my mind

That helps me pause and then rewind

To set in order, start of day

I set aright the bed I lay

And put to sleep the past I messed

To start anew on paths now blest

So tuck the corners make them tight

To stead the weight that's placed tonight

Then smooth the sheets of wrinkles made

To wipe the slate of struggles weighed

Now fluff the pillows plump as hens

That from the mind your worries cleanse

Pledge, make thy bed, set habit fast

Receive its strength and blessings vast.

Sunday, November 10, 2024



Venus, Venus Gaia's twin
Rocky surface, hot as sin
Brightly shines like a jeweled crown
Draped in the deepest ebony gown
Your sultry shine cause all to gaze
But closer look we see your haze
Smuld'ring clouds of toxic breath
Lures all living to their death
Long ago thy surface shape
Was once a lush blue oceanscape
Volcanic cones now dot your skin
Bellowing clouds to their chagrin
Raining wastes at a rapid rate
Makes us think of Earth's own fate
Venus, Venus Gaia's same
Slowly turning round in shame


Flittering To flit among the flowers and the trees  Elusive, humming like a hive of bees. Resplendent plumes of oscillating wings E’er here ...