Sunday, July 7, 2024




Hoards of hoary humeri hauled from holey grounds

Hardened heads of horses heaped in heavy mounds

An ancient race of majesty these equines once would roam

Dry fields, green vales and river beds of Idaho their home.

Among the heaps of fossiled bones a set complete was framed

To stand as symbol, replica, and Harvey was it named.

Harvey the horse of Hagerman silently saluted

Four decades of adults and kids, just bones, but aptly suited.

Go and see the bones inside, at Thousand Springs State Park

Greet old Harvey at the start o'this journey you embark.


Flittering To flit among the flowers and the trees  Elusive, humming like a hive of bees. Resplendent plumes of oscillating wings E’er here ...