The broken BOT in pieced lay in dissembled disarray
Long years had BROUGHT the growing rust, its casing dull from all the dust
And soon forGOTten was its gleam, how once it was a proud machine.
Now all disTRAUGHT the pieces thrown, once piled high now it lay prone.
For This Just Was --- a Broken Robot
One day the SPOT on which it lay was bought and sold all in one day.
The owner CAUGHT sight of the heap, and said aloud, "These ones I'll keep."
In his arms BROUGHT each piece with care, amazed to find pieces so rare.
He hauled the BOT up to the space reserved for things that found his grace.
Though This Just Was --- a Broken Robot
Each day he FOUGHT with nuts and bolts, shocked once or twice with wild volts.
And sometimes HOT his temper grew, when nuttin' seemed to be gett'ng through
And though the THOUGHT had crossed his mind, to curse, give up, and trash his find
Like a piLOT stuck to his course, broke that bot like you'd break a horse.
Firm and Stern to --- a Broken Robot
In fine, He GOT the bot restored; but there beyond was so much more.
For he had TAUGHT and the bot had learned, strived to follow its heart that burned.
Fueled by the WATTS that flowed from above, always do good and walk by love.
Broken was NAUGHT the bot anymore, for the man had changed its very core.
Raised a man from --- a Broken Robot